
Disney Night!

We had Disney Theme Night tonight and it was awesome. First we had to dress up as a Disney character, and there were so many great costumes. Someone dressed up as a chimney sweeper from Mary Poppins, another person dressed up as a storm trooper from Star Wars, and another person dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. After we got dressed up, we took pictures outside and it was snowing! It was truly a Disney experience! It was the first d)y of snow and there was so much of it. When we walked into the dining hall, each table was decorated with a different movie theme. We had to sit at the table, which ever theme we dressed up as. For dinner we had, corndogs, French fries, turkey legs, and churros. And in the background was playing Disney music. After dinner, we had to act out a skit from whichever theme table we were sitting at. There was Lion King, Up, Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, Peter Pan, Finding Nemo, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was hilarious to see everyoneʼs version of the movie they were acting out. And the judges decided that they thought everyone was awinner, and our prize was we got to wear pajamas around the building tomorrow night. It was such a fun night!

Written by Ivy, Ryan, Grace, and Cam

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