
God Handpicked Us To Be Here

Hola, Lynsey here.

Today was the sweetest day. we started off the morning with breakfast and devos then went right to work! Some people picked up where they left off, chipping away at the cement then filling it up so the paths are smooth, a crew was fixing up the bikes, we had a group out on the street cleaning up around the entrance of the orphanage and then the rest of us were on the painting crew. Some of the girls i’ve been hanging out with didn’t have school today, because their teachers didn’t show up so they were hanging around painting the planters with us. It was so funny trying to explain to them how to “cut in” on the edge of the wall in english, they eventually understood and did a great job. The staff here at Colina de Luz is very impressed with the work we’ve been accomplishing and it makes me happy that our class is making an impression on this place.

Instead of working this afternoon, the staff both at the orphanage and joshua allowed us and the kids to have the rest of the day off just to play with each other and hang out. Some joshua students went down the street to a market and got some snacks and then we gave the kids candy and all had a blast doing that. Soccer is a super popular game that most of the kids play and there are some joshua students that are super good at playing and its really fun watching them all play. A lot of people were just running around laughing and enjoying the presence of each other. It’s a really sweet thing to watch my peers and the kids have giant smiles and belly laughter omitting despite the language barrier. It’s genuinely been such a joyful experience for us to come here and work hard for the Lord and these kids, not everyone is leaving here with an emotional attachment to this place but the experience will have a lasting impression on all of us. I’m so so thankful for such a fun staff and an incredible class to do life with. As this break and thanksgiving approaches, my prayer for my class is that we will continue on with our lives with a little bit more grateful hearts and more appreciation for how immensely blessed we are- and my prayer for these kids here at the orphanage is that they will continue on with their lives with the overwhelming joy that the Lord provides and that they will grow up knowing that they are so so loved, worthy and wanted.

I am thankful that God handpicked each of us to be here.

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