Hey what’s up you guys welcome BACK to my channel. This is The Camellia Zamani coming to you LIVE from Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. First off let me tell you, It is so so beautiful here. It’s 5:30 pm, the weather feels like a nice 75 degrees with gentle winds and a drizzle of rain and a hint of humidity. Today was the first official day of most of our sites, since we had an orientation yesterday. I am in women’s volleyball and today was an interesting experience because I have never really played volleyball. I am re learning all the basics about volleyball and it was a good time being with all the young boys and girls at the elementary school and seeing how much they love to just play around and how much they accepted us and immediately started loving us. It was a great day, seeing so many kids and just observing a new culture and the way that the people are here. For the most part, they are such energetic people that love without any boundaries. They are warm, inclusive, assertive, and pretty chill.
At the end of the day after our dinner, we had a sort of team bonding where everyone sat around different tables and played different games. Everyone was so loud and wild, their true crazy side unleashed. There were people falling on the ground, aggressive yelling, laughing, hooting & hollering, and people slipping and sliding to say the least. And this, ladies and gentlemen concludes my TED talk. Thank you for your time.