Hello everyone 🙂
Jessy and Lynsey here to update you on all the happenings going on in the building. As we prepare to go to the Dominican Republic we are blessed to have the President of Students International here speaking to us this week. If you don’t know, Students International is an organization that facilitates many trips to Latin America and whom we are going to be working alongside with in the DR. We have a lot ahead of us, this week is still pretty busy! Along with all of our normal classes (some even double booked this week!) we are going to The Hume Experience dinner Wednesday night. This dinner is the kickoff for the fundraising tour for Hume that goes all throughout California. This tour allows for people to have an enjoyable evening, while getting the chance to donate and to get a look into the wonderful things the Lord has been doing through Hume Lake!
The weather here is cold! Snow is a frequent thing here now and most of us have never seen snowflakes this big. It looks like cloud chunks are falling out of the sky. Although we’re blessed with snow, it’s also accompanied by rain so unfortunately it’s not sticking very well, and it makes for crazy ice! Walking down the hill becomes slipping down the hill!! We have officially survived 2 weekends of winter camp for Jr. High and High-schoolers! Those of us who have the weekend off help Chef Amy and staff prepare pizookies that counselors purchase for their cabins. We get to go into the cabins at night and surprise the students with a yummy treat. Through this, Joshua is able to fundraise a little extra money while being able to bless the campers. Some of us also get the opportunity to attend chapel on Saturday evenings. At the end of the sermon, the speaker presents the opportunity to campers to commit their lives to Christ for the first time and it has been so, so sweet to watch our family in Christ grow by gaining new brothers and sisters each week!! It really is such a blast working and serving people who come through Hume. As the Winter prolongs, please pray that we will continue to have humbled hearts and stamina as we plow (full pun intended) ahead into the rest of the season! We would also immensely appreciate prayers for safe travels and good health as we head into the Dominican!
Love to all, from us here at Joshua!