
Poverty Simulation

Vicki here!

It’s been quite the adventure here in Jarabacoa this past week. We’ve all gotten really close to the people at our sites and love spending time with them. I’ve been working at the Women’s Social work site. Every day, we spend time with the women in the little town of Jarabacoa. They range from 5-10 year olds to women in their 50s or 60s. A highlight of today was getting to play with these three little girls who live next to our site. They come to visit every morning and they always ask if they can play with the Americans. Today, one little girl, Jenneta, grabbed my hand, and wanted to walk with me down the street to the school near by. As we were walking, she told me her name, how old she was, and we made funny faces at each other. It was a really sweet time and easily one of my favorite memories from being here.

Tonight, my Joshua siblings and I did a poverty simulation, put on by the mission base we’re staying at. They split us into groups and had us go through typical scenarios that the people of Jarabacoa go through on a monthly bases. It was really eye opening to see how hard it was to have what seem so normal to us, not available. For example, having to sacrifice feeding a family to pay for your kids education is a normal decision that is made here in Jarabacoa. So often, I’ve thought of my education as something I was required to take part in, not a gift. Tonight, we all realized that we live in a great place and we’re all very thankful for Joshua and what Jesus is teaching us through it, despite how hard if might be sometimes.

We all appreciate your prayers very much and will continue to appreciate them as this week goes on. I was also told that most of our families/friends are reading this and to tell them that I love them and miss them and look forward to telling them about this adventure.

Until next time.

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