These past few days have been long and exhausting. Joshua Students just arrived home from Christmas break and we dove right into New Year’s family camp work! We all got assigned different jobs and we worked day and night. 28 of us worked pizza train and threw a mini party for New Years and we celebrated the new year as a WHOLE class! We only stayed awake until 1am and had to wake up at 5:30am but it was completely worth it! Also January 1st 2019 brings us PREVIEW STUDENTS! Both of our rooms (103, & 225) have students and so far it’s a blast! They are all excited for not only the new year, but the new idea of possibly being a Joshua Student c/o 2019-2020. This is all tiring and exhausting for all but I know that we as a group and class enjoy being able to serve and help these future Joshua Students out! Yay to 2019 and yay to sleep for the next year!! #hibernation!! One more thing, please be praying for us on Philippians… some of us are struggling. #pray4philippians.
Written by Ivy, Grace, Ryan, and Asher