Life at Joshua has been quite busy these last few days. We’ve spent a lot of time working, memorizing Philippians and preparing for our trip to the DR in a couple of weeks.
This weekend, we had our first weekend of winter camp. Most of us worked around camp but a few of us had the weekend off. One of the coolest parts about camping ministry is getting to see first hand what the Lord is doing in camper’s lives throughout the weekend while they are here. Every weekend, we have the opportunity to sit in on chapels and hear incredible speakers share the gospel with high school students. It never gets old watching kids encounter Jesus and is easily one of my favorite parts of being up here at Joshua.
We also spent this weekend getting ready for our big Philippians test that we had yesterday. (Monday.) We had to be able to recite chapter one and two. We all spent quite amount of time Sunday night and Monday morning making sure we had memorized it all and the hard work paid off. Most of us did very well and are glad we put in the work. Some of our Joshua siblings are in the breakfast club until they can get it and we are hoping they will get it later this week.
Our speaker this week is Chris Schults. He is a pastor from the Well Community Church in Fresno, California and loves college age students. He has been coming up to Joshua for the past few years and is really excited to be up here with us this week. This week, he is talking about how our identity, gender, and sexuality, all play a role in our walks with Jesus. Monday, he challenged us to write down some things that we use to identify ourselves. After talking through a lot of the things we wrote down on our lists, he asked us how often we cling to these things rather than Christ. He finished up the night by encouraging us with the truth that our identity is in Christ as believers. It was really refreshing and we are excited to spend the rest of our week with him.
Like I said, Joshua has been quite busy lately. We’ve been preparing for the DR, doing homework, preparing for next fall. (I don’t love thinking about that too much yet.) and enjoying this season with each other. We are all really happy to be back at it with our Joshua siblings and have all agreed that this season has been really sweet. We’re also really excited for the DR and all that the Lord is going to do.
Until next time on the Joshua Blog.
– Vicki, Tiffany, Isaiah, and Brant.