
An Odd Valentines

Written by Carson McCall, and Gabe Benson

These past few days have been exciting with all the previews around getting to see the Joshua life and all that it contains. Carson and I had a preview in our room this past week and with him came late night talks about all that Joshua is, telling him about tips and tricks of the program, and getting to know each other. After preview was over, he told us that if he gets in, he is for sure coming to Joshua and he was even ready to join our class and finish the year with us, but he had to get back to high school to get his diploma and all that. (Shout out to Christian!)

This week we were lucky to have PJ and Sheri Lewis come up to us and speak truth in our life this week and also make us delicious food since they were our catalyst couple as well. It’s not often that we have more than one person speak during speaker, but for the most part, they both spoke to us to give us insight on what the word of God said and how to live it out. Over this past week, they taught on Hebrews 11 and what it means to have Faith, Revelation 2 and what it means to be doing everything right and still forget our first love, the forgiveness cycle and how what we think is plan A is really plan B. They taught on the bottom line of our walk with God and the basis for our faith: 1. God is in control 2. God knows what is best 3. God loves me.

Valentine’s day at Joshua is usually pretty odd. This year, the guy community is doing all the chores for the girls whether it be KP (kitchen patrol), vacuuming, or even the blog. The guy community also wrote cards to all of the girls so that they don’t feel left out of the usual valentine’s activities. In return, the girl community, using a cork board from one of the empty rooms, made us a huge thank you card written by all the girls and they included on the board on there some very sweet and kind messages to us. They even made all of the guys brownies.

Along with Valentine’s day came a theme dinner, with the theme being ‘ODD’. We were given the freedom to interpret that any way we chose, but it mostly came out to whatever costume or clothing items that we had to made some weird outfits. One thing that made it really odd was the power being out for most of the day up here at the building. And with the power being out, we had to make lunch and dinner with what kitchen appliances that can work without electricity and with flashlights. The food came out great thanks to our wonderful chef Amy who was quick to think of how we could make meals with what we had. In the end, the burgers came out amazing and the breakfast for dinner did as well. And even though we weren’t able to take part in whatever activity the staff had planned for us, we still had tons of fun eating our breakfast dinner in the dark, on the floor, in a room that had balloons hanging from the ceiling, animal heads on the floors, and a map of the world upside down as well.

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