Hey everyone!
Live from The Hill it’s Tuesday night!!!!!!!
Although we’re more than tired after this long work weekend we’ve still got a remarkably high energy level about us. The building is buzzing with preparation as we all get ready for preview to arrive. People are frantically cleaning their room, shoveling out vans, doing chores, and trying to get some homework done. All because there’s about 10 people coming to live with us and see what it’s ~actually~ like to do this Joshua thing. We’re super stoked to have them and can’t wait to see what God has for them in this next season.
Like i said, this work weekend was pretty long (3 days compared to our normal 2) and we’ve got another one coming next weekend. It’s a good thing we got all this snow for the campers—and us—to enjoy in the midst of it. Supposedly, there’s another foot coming tomorrow but we’ll see if it turns into rain. Apparently this is the most snow Hume has gotten in a solid few years so the lake is going to be extra full and the rivers are going to be extra high this Summer! Praise God, He must’ve known that we needed it 🙂
Guy/girl night (more like guy / girl night) was on Monday this week to accommodate for preview so the girls had a really sweet Galentines day party put on by our really sweet staff. Chef Amy made us a waffle bar, Sam & Tiff made the room look ADORABLE, and they all (+Mrs. Lewis) sat on a panel and we got to ask any dating questions we wanted! It was sweet to get all their wisdom about the great unspeakable here at Joshua haha!
Other than those things, life on the hill is pretty normal these days. PJ Lewis is here speaking with us and he brought his beautiful bride to share her insights as well. They’ve doubled as our catalyst couple and it’s been SUCH a blessing having them here and pour into us such sweet truths that they have learned over the years.
We’re all hoping that everyone down the hill is safe and doing well! until next time 🙂
-Jessy and Lyndsey