
God is Good!

Hey guys, it’s Kenzie!

Today was our last day in LA. We started off by heading to IHOP. It was a great meal: pancakes, eggs, bacon/sausage, hash browns, and of course coffee.

After this we went to the Museum of Tolerance. For some of us, this was the first time, but others we’ve been there before. This was the second time I’ve been there, but something happened that was a surprise to us all. We had the amazing opportunity to hear the story of a Holocaust survivor. It was so amazing but it was so hard. Hearing what this woman had to go through: seeing her family being torn apart, people die, having to survive day to day. It was so hard but during this time of her life, she had never lost her faith the God. It was amazing. This woman is a survivor from Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and execution camp and her faith remained. God is so good.

After this experience, we went to an Indian restaurant. It was amazing food, and we had a great time as a class. Then as the last part of our day, we went to the Westwood area (UCLA). My partner (Chad) and I went to the UCLA campus and started to talk to some people who had some interesting political ideas. Chad and I, well mostly Chad, got to a point in this conversation that we had the opportunity to ask why he thought the things he thought, but we got interrupted by a college student.

We sadly had to leave but that whole conversation we had with these people, in a whole, was extremely good! It was actually our first conversation this whole trip! I’m so thankful that this was our last, and first, conversation. God is so good!

We are now heading back to Hume tomorrow morning. Pray for us for safe travel and no traffic!

Thank you all for listening, well reading, my TED Talk.

Have a great day!

Kenzie Allen

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