Wednesday night consisted of two things. Movie night and broom hockey.
Yes, movies are against our Joshua covenant. The staff decided to let us watch a film titled Denial. We all got cozy and cuddled up on the couches in the great room and watched the movie. It was a sweet time and moving film. Shortly after the movie, we moved over to broom hockey.
Broom-hockey is a staple of Hume Lake Winters! Having never played prior to Joshua it has been a blast this winter to play broom-hockey. Since they are taking off the ice next week, our class decided to go one more time to play. We had two vans packed to the brim of Joshua students at broom-hockey. We picked teams and played a tightly contested back and forth matchup for the next 45 minutes. We got some BIG BOOMS, Cardio, and fun all packed into this intense game. Tied 6-6 with the next goal winning the game, I (Brenden) scored the final goal for my team to win the game! It was my first goal of the night and my favorite of the entire season! I am going to miss nights like these where we all bond together as a class and play games with one another. It was a great night that we won’t forget.