
On the Topic of Purity

This past week has mostly just been re-adjusting back into the life of Joshua. We came home from LA on Saturday and have just been getting into the grind of the month of March, whether that is working on Philippians, our two group exams, our study guides, taxes, presentations, or laundry. On Monday we had our regular sabbath, and then Bob’s class in which he talked about public speaking, a new unit we are going into to help us practice a life skill. We were all assigned a sixty-second speech to talk about anything we choose, infomercial style. The presentation is due next Monday, and so far, we’ve seen some crazy topics including but not limited to, water, Sysco food, Joshua, Asher, and lots of other odd topics. We all received our summer jobs today! Everyone is really excited and is happy with where they were assigned for the summer.

This week speaking up here at Joshua is the pastor of the Well Community Church down in Fresno. We as a class have heard him speak once before at Wildwood when he came to talk about his book Walking with a Limp but now, he’s back and the topic is dating, courtship, and sex. Brad is preaching from Song of Songs (also known as Song of Solomon) and teaching us how to look for a possible significant other, how to be a good significant other, and how to remain pure during dating. Brad had been coming up to Joshua for years now speaking on this exact topic because not only is it important for us since we are all wanting to date after Joshua, whether it be at the beginning of summer, or years from now, and because the church as a whole doesn’t talk about it much. We especially appreciate his tips and tricks on how to stay pure. Brad is always welcomed here because all the students know that what he has to say is pure gold.

Tonight also happened to be guy/girl night and with that came dancing and drinking (soda). The guys all went into the classroom, and because it was Kyle’s 22nd birthday today, we took part in a quiz night and drinking soda. We also learned some interesting facts about other countries like how Canada hosted a summer Olympic games and didn’t even win a gold medal that year. For the girls, they had one of the full-time staff (Tamera) come up to the building and teach them line dancing. That’s all for this blog!

Written by Ivy, Gabe, and Carson

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