What intrigued me most about Joshua when I first applied were the missions trips and traveling. So far, on every single trip we have learned so much and have seen the Lord do amazing things. I also never want to take for granted the blessing it is to simply live life everyday with my best friends. Sometimes it can be hard to fight the temptation just to ‘get though’ these last few weeks. Just to put our heads down and push through Israel and pine needle raking. Rather than accepting the gift that everyday life in Joshua is, we forget that we may never have a community like this again.
Sometimes I forget that living with 40 people that know you better than anyone else and who do their best to point you to Christ isn’t normal. Lately we’ve been encouraged to create this kind of environment when we leave rather than looking for it. But right now I feel so blessed to be living here.
So I’m trying to find joy in the simple everyday things. Like late night talks in the dining hall, taking the afternoon to kayak with each other, jam sessions in the music room, having a good meal, or even walking up the hill after work. I take them for granted now, but these everyday things may just be what I miss most about Joshua.
Written by Mikayla and Camillia