Joshua is back in the building! The students experienced a nice, restful week at home after a long trip in Israel. It was refreshing and re-energizing for most. Now, the students are back to finish up their time in the building. They’ve got a little more than one week left in the Joshua building!
For the past couple of days, the students helped serve the residents of Hume Lake’s subdivision by raking the pine needles off their lawns. The students split up into three teams and tackled monster lots with tons of pine needles, but managed to knock out roughly 60 lots in 3 days. Additionally, students have now begun work on their quilt! Beth, the wonderful quilt maker, has arrived at the building to oversee the project. Students are now hard at work on their quilt squares.
We also had one of our last guy and girl nights! The boys played a game that Harry made up and they all loved it. They stayed in the Joshua building. The girls went to Jessy’s cabin and had a wonderful night. They did face masks, painted their nails, baked cookies, ate popcorn, and had intentional conversations with each other. It was a relaxing night for all the girls after pine needle raking this weekend.
Our speaker this week is Jim Cook. He has been coming to Joshua since the first year it started. He has so many amazing stories to share, including one about a pet tiger! He is very encouraging and it is evident that he cares deeply about Joshua and the students in the program. He is a prayer warrior and always mentions how he prays for our class and that is a huge encouragement to us. We are so thankful that Jim is our speaker this week.
Written by Grace and Mary Kathryn