
Jim Cook and the Oscars

This week, we started the quilt for our class, we listened to Jim Cook speak, we finished Mere Christianity, and we had Oscars Night. But we’re also trying to bond as much as we can before we have to leave. It’s been a sweet time here and we can all thank Jesus for all He has done to create this flourishing community.

Okay, so every year the class puts together a quilt. The students create a BUNCH of different quilt squares that Beth, the quilt lady, then sews together. Our job has been designing the squares, picking out the material, cutting out the different shapes, and putting it all together. But we just touch the squares, Beth does everything else. She’s quite particular about what she wants, but she’s lovingly passionate about this project of hers, so we try our best. We have different designs ranging from the Baptisms that we witnessed in Galilee to an unwanted chef statue. It takes time, but everyone is diligently working on it and it will look amazing in the end! We are looking forward to seeing her masterpiece at graduation.

Yesterday, we finished Mere Christianity. by C.S. Lewis. Lewis explained how to fix this sin problem that we have and that we know we have. He tells us the only true answer to meet this ‘moral law’ is through Jesus. We are to be loving on one another, even if we don’t want to. We are to be practicing reading the Bible and living in a Christian community to deepen our faith. Then Lewis blew our minds with this idea that GOD is eternal and therefore created time and He exists beyond it, so our past/present/future is all His present. I know! It’s crazy and really weird to try to grasp. Tucker lead our book discussion and had us go over different questions in small groups. We talked about the trinity and the solution to our failure to uphold the moral law and more. It was a stretching book, packed with ideas and concepts that grew our outlook of the faith.

Jim Cook gave us four speeches on how the gospel can be proven. He talked about the prophet Isaiah and how in the 53rd chapter, he predicted Christ 750 years before He came down to Earth. He went over the chariots and armor that has been discovered from the entrance to the Red Sea. But what really stuck out to us, were his stories about his life. He talked about how he’s faced death and persecution and evil multiple times. GOD has used each of those horrific moments to bring others to Christ. He’s lost his son and wife and so many more, but he was still so very happy to be here to speak to us. He showed us, along with Peter who came in this week to speak on suffering for a bit of a class, how important it is to be joyful in the time of pain and suffering. It was hard to hear what he’s been through, but so inspirational. He stirred that desire in us to go out and tell the world about Christ and be a champ instead of a chump for GOD.

Tonight was Oscar night. Yes, that means we all dressed up extra fancy for dinner. We pregamed with pictures by Tucker and card games with Hank. Then we went into a delicious dinner of chicken squercs, coconut shrimp, veggie plates, corn dogs, and mini pizzas. She also made us almond pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Amy is absolutely brilliant and made another amazing dinner. Once it got cleaned up a bit, we walked in on the red carpet to the great room and took our seats. The staff then presented us with heartfelt awards such as Art’s Biggest Fan Award, Hey Girl Hey Award or Best Whisperer Award.My personal favorites were Matt’s and Mary Katherine’s awards. You can ask them for the specifics but Matt’s had to do with cats and MK’s with trucks. It was a really fun night and such a perfect way to end our theme dinners! We wrapped it all up dancing out to some horses in the back.

Thank you for tuning in. This is our last episode on the air, so I hope you enjoyed it.

-Hannah, Jaedyn, Austin, and Wesley

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