Last night was our last Pause night! All of the pause families came to the Joshua building at 5:30 to get pictures and then had a delicious meal made by Amy. All of the students helped make the meal and set up the tables. The meal consisted of salad, bread, mashed potatoes, asparagus and tritip! After the meal the pause families went to their houses. My pause family had s’mores on their deck and talked about Israel. We will all miss pause nights on Thursday nights.
This week our speaker was Trent Lewis. Trent was a great speaker. He encouraged us to get plugged into a local church when we go home. My favorite thing that Trent did was on Thursday morning. He had all of us Joshua students stand in a circle in the great room facing each other. One person held a ball of yarn and they had to pass it to someone across the circle while still holding onto the sting. When they passed the ball of yarn they said “(Joshua student name), Joshua is blessed by you because…” and you said an encouraging thing about that person. By the end the yarn had created a giant web in the middle with everyone attached. It was such a sweet experience. It made everyone realize just how much we will miss living with each other.
Today is our last full day in Joshua!!!! Everyone has been busy packing and getting ready to move out. I am going to miss living with everyone. This is also the last blog! It’s so sad the year is over, but we are all excited to work this summer and put to practice the things that we have learned.
Ya girls of 224
Mary Kathryn and Grace