What’s Up Blog readers!
It’s Bailey and Julia here, so excited to share what we have been doing at Joshua!!
Week one is in the books, and we are back from our Wildwood week hitting the ground running! After our intentional week with the Lord and getting to know each other, we came back to the building refreshed and ready to go!
Wildwood was a great way to start off our time at Joshua. We went on our first hike as a class together, along with going over rules and expectations for the year. Each day we had the opportunity to get into the Word and evaluate where each of our hearts were. Our community started to form with games and conversations about the Lord. It was the most amazing way to start off our Joshua year.
After coming back, most of our class started weekend work down at main camp clocking in a lot of hours. For a lot of us, it was the first of many 4:00 AM mornings and 1:00 AM nights. For those who haven’t been to Joshua, our building is located on-top a huge hill that’s a long way up from main camp. Walking the hill after an exhausting day of work was so draining, but thankfully people around camp know what’s up, and offered us rides. We nearly cried from happiness. This is a walk we will have to get used to very quickly.
To relieve stress on our time off, there have been many impromptu worship nights and spur of the moment face mask parties! Some have also taken advantage of the warm weather and went swimming. This week we have had the pleasure of meeting our first catalyst couple who stay with us in the building and provides a place of support and a breath of fresh air. Our first speaker is also in the house and night one we talked about the parables of being lost and then found. It has been a blessing listening to them, and we cannot wait to hear more!
Right now the lifestyle of Joshua has been overwhelming, but we are looking forward to making this our new rhythm.
Thank you so much for tuning in!
With so much love it’s not even funny,
Bailey Wright and Julia Hockstra
(I love you so much fam bam, can you believe that I am writing the blog?! -B)