
Excited for the Adventure!

Greetings from the mountain top!

Everything is going well and God is good! We were thrilled to go through Wildwood, but now we are so glad to start Joshua life. We just had our first guest speaker, Matt and his wife Marlo Jensen. It is so crazy that he is our first guest speaker, since we have already learned so much. It was fascinating to learn that Matt and Marlo lived in Ecuador for 8 years as missionaries, because some of us are interested in mission work as well. Before our guest speaker, Joshua students lead us in a time of worship. It has been an incredible time to remember our purpose as we worship our Father in unison.

Our “grace” week is over, so now we are held to a higher standard when it comes to following all of the rules and chores. To help with some of the stress of trying to balance Philippians, homework, chores, work and daily tasks we have been hanging out with the Catalyst couple. Marcie and Ralph (Rachel’s parents!) have gotten to know our class and have provided a fun place for us to hang out and bake every night.

Tuesday night was a party up in here! Girls and guys night was a huge hit. The girls got to dress up in dynamic duos with their roommates, for example we had: Mom and Dad, Light and Dark, Tom and Jerry and Lilo and Stitch. To top it off, the girls got to play Sardines in the dark, while munching on brownies and ice cream! For guys night, we went down to main camp, and played some ultimate frisbee. We also discussed how to better honor the girls and challenge ourselves to build a good community. It was a time for us to grow together as men striving for Christ.

As we started normal Joshua life, we began our classes! Many were awestruck already by how vast the Bible is and its intricacies. We are excited to see what else we will learn in our classes as the year progresses. We began to unpack some of it in our small groups this week, which is a new addition to Joshua!

Tonight we are all excited to meet our Pause Families for the first time!

We are excited for the adventure ahead, see you soon!

In Him,

Hunter Parker, Ali Day, Ethan Sampson, Livi Skeen

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