What’s up blog readers!!
Last week was our first full week back in the building, since thanksgiving break. Everyone is glad to be back but are now preparing for Christmas break right around the corner. This past weekend, half of the students were off of work, and I was one of them, and it was honestly really nice. 3 of the other girls and I vowed to not leave the building at all this weekend, and we almost did it, but we ended up going down to pondy for one of the meals! Our speaker this week is really cool and I am excited to hear more from him the rest of this week. All in all, everything is going really well up here… I guess you can say Joshua is seriously in full effect! 🙂 <3 – Angie Room 224
Hello from beautiful snowy Joshua! Man oh man God is good! Just this morning I was looking at the pink and purple sunrise glittering on the snow, and I was filled with awe and wonder. It is so crazy to be able to look out from the balcony and say “I live here.”What I am so thankful for is that God is continuing to challenge us. It can be so easy for me to fall into a rhythm and forget that God is a complex God and that I do not know all the answers. For example, the speaker this week is challenging the way I view things and what I believe. It is uncomfortable for sure, but the staff have been encouraging us to sit in the tension and think through what we believe to be true. I am grateful for a staff that is not content to simply watch our class follow the rules. They genuinely want us to be biblically founded and strong in our faith. Thank the Lord for growing pains.
-Cindy, room 224
So this last week was a great week. Since we have been back in the building It’s been really fun seeing all my Joshua brothers and sisters. It’s been a pretty plain week. The snow is great. It is really cold this last week. And on guys night we played sock dodgeball and that was fun. – Caleb
Hello everybody, Daniel here! It has been really good this week so far. Diving right into Monday we had our spiritual formation class and we did a little practice of silence with the Lord and it was really cool how God interacted with everybody here and how people responded to that. For me it was really good to be able to stop everything and just be silent and let God speak to me. Our speaker this week has been very intriguing but I’m a little bias since I know him. He is taking a different approach in the way a speaker does. He is knocking on our walls that we have built up over the years on the way we perceive culture. He is making us think about what we believe and why we believe it. It’s definitely been challenging for a bunch of people but last night was so sweet. We unpacked the very things that hurt us by words other people have said to us or what the enemy has spoken to us. And then we did an exercise that dove into what our fellow brothers and sisters see us as and how they view us. We then compared that to what the lies were and there was light being shed into each other’s lives. A little bit of light in a dark place goes an awfully long way. – Blessings to you all – Daniel
I can’t believe we’ve been here for 3 months already! I truly believe that hands down I have been blessed to be a part of this incredible community of believers that have a genuine heart and soul, who push me to be a greater person in Christ. So far since we’ve been back from thanksgiving break the connectivity of our group has been shining like a city on a hill! I am so thankful to be part of something that is bigger and stronger than me. Overall class has held up pretty well with the workload and has really taken responsibility of its courses whether that be hermeneutics or theology! – By His grace, Sean