This week is flying by! Today we had a meeting to discuss the Dominican Republic, which we leave for next Monday! Everyone seems to be getting more excited as the days get closer. This past weekend I worked winter camp week #2 in concessions! It was my first time working concessions and I had a blast. I made more milkshakes this past weekend than I have in my entire life. In our hermeneutics class on Monday we continued going through the book of Matthew, focusing on chapters nine – eleven. It is crazy because In Matt 10:9-42 Jesus essentially gives us a job description for being his disciples. I know if I was browsing for jobs and read a job description saying the risks include being flogged, persecuted, and sent as “sheep among wolves” I probably would just keep on searching. Yet even still, Jesus is infinitely worth it and what a privilege we have to be apart of his work.
Hey there blog readers! What a blessing it is to share with you all that God is doing in our community. We are so excited to have Dave Hansen as our speaker this week, who happens to be the President of Students International, the team we will be working alongside in the DR. The pairing of Dave speaking and reading “When Helping Hurts” as a class has really been getting our hearts prepped for the adventure we are about to embark on. We are so excited to be able to live out what we have been learning about in missions and in living a life that reflects Jesus as we head over to meet our brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic. On a completely different note, we have the honor of having Dave as both our speaker AND our catalyst! I can speak on behalf of all of Joshua that we have sincerely enjoyed his warm and welcoming presence, along with his unbelievable oranges (he even handpicked them!)
For girls night we gathered together as a community and just dwelt in fellowship as we entered into a night of prayer and checking in with one another on how we are doing. It was beautiful hearing these ladies stories and how we can better support and encourage them. I cannot express how thankful I am to have these girlies in my life. God has worked through these people so much, and it is so exciting doing life alongside them!
With love and joy,
P.S. Hi fam, I love you LOTS!!!