
Overwhelmed With Gratitude!

Wednesday, January 29th

!Hola, hola, hola mis amigos!

I am so beyond blessed to be updating you on our experiences in the Dominican Republic. I have had the absolute joy and privilege to be working at the women’s social work site in El Callejon. Two others and myself get to work alongside Yinet and Shania, two absolutely wonderful ladies! They demonstrate every day what it means to love, have patience, and slow down to admire God in His goodness. I can’t believe I get to glean from their experience, wisdom, and walk with the Lord.

Today, after devotional time, chapel, and breakfast, we all dispersed to our different sights. One of my favorite parts of the day is the drive to our sight. I have not ceased to be in awe of God’s incredible creation! Everywhere I look I see life, beauty, and so much green. The cool morning air feels amazing when it is mixed with the warmth of the sun streaming down through the trees. My heart is so full  that by the time we get to my site and I am always thrilled for what the day has in store. The first thing on our agenda today was testimony time. Every day one of us will share our testimony and then we pray over that persons life and praise God for all He has done thus far. Today was Yinet’s (our site leader) turn. Her story was so inspiring. She actually grew up in the community she now works in and came to know Christ through the person who previously has her job. God has proved so faithful in her life and it is amazing how He is using her every day in El Callejon. After testimonies young kids from the community came to eat and play in the safe environment that is the beautiful site building. The kids are now familiar with us and great us with many hugs and smiles. What comes next is such a resting and meditative time for my soul. We have about 2 hours of free time before the next group comes, so Julia and I will read, talk, and sleep in the warmth of the sun. We are trying to soak it all in while we can. The last thing we did at our site was teach and English class to some of the preteen girls in the community. It was a time filled with laughter and love. I am filled with so much hope for El Callejon. The women’s social work site is such a light. They are being Jesus by walking alongside the community (at the communities pace) through the good and the bad. The day concluded with a worship night. It was incredible. To be apart of such a loving community, where we get to worship Christ freely and encourage others to seek after Him, is a gift far beyond anything I could have ever asked for. I am falling deeper and deeper in love with my Savior each morning I am here. I cannot believe the blessings I am receiving while I get to serve Him in the DR.

God is here and working in incredible ways, even if we don’t see quick and massive changes. I have heard multiple people point out the fact that this is a marathon not a sprint. Students International values building relationships and walking with their communities above surface level progress and that is SO refreshing to see. The scripture and love of Christ being poured out by staff will not return void. God is doing a mighty wonderful work here and I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I have been able to see a small fraction of it.

Blessings upon blessings,

Cindy 🙂

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