
Serving In The Medical Site

Tuesday, January 28th

DR day 8!

Today was Beautiful and hot in Jarabacoa (which means high humidity), and it was a great day with my site leaders.  I’m part of the community health group which means that we are coming along side individuals within the community as well as local: hospitals, clinics, and schools in order to provide support, supplies, and education when it comes to health care. 

Today we headed over to one of the local missionary couples’ home to check up on their daughter after she got a sickness going around and we had a cool opportunity to talk with them a bit, as well as play with their ~8 week old Rottweiler puppy! 😍    

Then after getting some popsicles to beat the heat, eating lunch, and being doted on by three Dominican grandmas (one of which tried to set me up with her granddaughter, haha), we headed over to the house of a man named Tito who is paralyzed from the neck down with minimal movement in his shoulders and nothing from below there.  We got to hear his story and share a bit of ours with him.  All while playing a game of dominos with him.    

This trip has given us all with so many cool opportunities that have been so unique compared to most other short term mission trips.   I’ve been able to go into peoples homes and worship with them over a cup of coffee, watch a 100 year old man dance like a 20 year old, and serve in government health clinics. I can’t wait for the rest of this trip to come to pass, and for us to continue to invest in this community and ministry that have welcomed us in. 

In four days it will be sad to leave the people we’ve been serving alongside, but I’m also excited to go back to the building, letting the rest of this year fly by, soaking up as much as we can, as a community, from God’s word.   

Gotta get ready for another clinic tomorrow, and a talk with some high schoolers. 🙂

We’ll talk to y’all again tomorrow

-Matt Mann

P.s. it’s pouring rain as I’m writing this, tomorrow’s gonna be HUMID.

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