
The Days Are Flying By!

Monday, January 27th

70°f – 50°f

No rain

Partly cloudy


Good to have you back on good ole Monday.

In America, Monday’s are not always looked forward to. It is a day that drags and it seems like it won’t end any time soon.

In the Dominican Republic on the other hand, Monday’s are just a continued rest day. We started the day off with our devotionals, continuing in Hebrews 11, looking at the faith of Abraham in regards to the – almost – sacrifice of his son, Isaac. Abraham had faith in what God said. God said that Isaac would be the the first in a long line, and Abraham knew God would keep his promises.

Then after breakfast, we made our way to our ministry sites.

I have had the privilege of working at the special education sight called Genesis and today we took the students to a nearby nursing home to hang out with some older gentlemen and ladies. We played worship music and danced as a large group. It was so cool to see the children laughing, singing & dancing with one another and dolls that were over twice their age. One man being in his late nineties and had at one point in his life worked for the circus!

After this, we took the students back to the school building and had lunch, read a few books to them, and played baseball until everyone was picked up. Today, we also did a prayer-walk. An hour and a half of praying for our sight, the surrounding neighborhood’s, Jarabacoa and the DR as a whole.

Tonight we played a “game”, they called it a poverty simulation. In this game we had name tags and fake money and we went to different stations to simulate how life would be in this country. It was a very humbling experience, and opened my eyes to what life outside of my country looked like on a practical level.

This trip so far has been incredibly eye-opening and I am entirely grateful to be a part of the sight I am at with the group I have come with.

In a country most of us have never been to before and doing jobs we probably never saw ourselves working in, we only have 4 days left and I cannot wait to see what God does in this time, it seems like it was just yesterday we got off the plane and were driven to “home base” and my oh my they are flying by!

Thank you for tuning in! See ya back tomorrow !

Catch you on the flip side!

Oh, and hey Mama! I made it here safe <3


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