
Disney Night!

Hello Everyone!

The past week has been a relatively smooth one. Leading up to LA everyone is excited and eager to get off of the hill down to civilization. Everyone is also wondering who will get paired up with who. This week hasn’t been all relaxing and fun however as quite a few people have fallen ill. It’s been nothing too serious but the timing right before a trip is perfectly bad. Hopefully all who have not been feeling well will get better soon and the trip to Los Angeles will be fun and remembered fondly.

Nick and Jess Connolly were our speakers this week and they talked right out of Philippians. It was all about taking the things that Paul talks about in the book and applying them to our lives. Relating to people, rejoicing in God, and being on the lookout for what God has in store for you. It’s kind of nice to have a speaker go into that book since we are memorizing it. When you read something over and over again, it kind of loses its buster and meaning.

In addition to amazing speakers we have had the pleasure of getting to know Elizabeth our catalyst. Now let me tell this woman has been a designated grandmother to the Joshua crew and will give you a run for you money if you don’t watch out! At the age of 73 Elizabeth is still trotting up and down the Joshua hill, which us young folk dread. Not only has she been a bundle of joy, but also so intentional and full of love for God.

This week’s theme dinner is “Disney Night” and everyone is working on their costumes. All the Joshua students were so creative with their costumes! The staff and Chef Amy’s SWEEP group did a great job decorating the dining hall. It was so beautiful! Each table was decorated based on a Disney movie and the food resembled what one might purchase at Disneyland (i.e. corndogs, pizza, chicken kabobs, salad, and a fruit slush). The food was great and we had churros for dessert! Churros! We love you Chef Amy! Your churros are so much better than Mexico border churros!

After dinner we were grouped together with the individuals that we sat with at dinner and were told that we had fifteen minutes to come up with a five minute reenactment of a Disney movie. This really got our creative juices flowing and we had a blast watching each group perform their rendition of following movies: Up, Beauty and the Beast, Moana, Toy Story, and The Little Mermaid. The grand prize for the best production was a sleep in day and because our staff is so gracious all the Joshua students were winners tonight. Now we all get to sleep in and our morning doesn’t start until 9am. Overall, it has been a good day.

We love you all back at home and want you to know that we are doing well! Nighty night!

Written by Morgan, Kiyo, Dylan, and Pierce

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