
Fancy Tube Run!

Hello bloggers! Tonight was a real night to remember!

This week has been one for the ages! Tonight was a ton of fun! We had a theme dinner and it was a blast!  Amy made tri-tip and amazing mashed potatoes! They were so good! Bob also gave us a talk on GMOs! They are everywhere! We can’t escape them! The only way to get away from GMOs is to drink water and spend a lot of money.  However we are very thankful for Bob and all he is teaching us! To all my fans thank you for tuning in again. We love you so much!

This theme dinner was Formal Night. We all got to dressed to the nines, ate a delicious meal prepared by Chef Amy herself and then went wild on the Tube Run later in the evening.  Even though it hasn’t snowed in while, it’s still pretty cold and Activities keeps the snow blowers on every night which means that the Tube Run is solid ice right now.  Speed is goal on the run and some of us guys tried to put that berm that keeps riders out of the parking lot to the test.  TDIG!

Hey guys! Its Sarah here and these past couple days have been an absolute blast with the second round of previews!! They were all super awesome and it was a great time getting to know everyone! We are all super excited to see where they all go next year and possibly make up the next class! We also had girl’s night and we all got together for a lip-sync battle and waffle party! It’s been a great week being back in the building since the DR and we cannot wait for valentines day tomorrow! Besos!

          Hello blog readers!! It’s Alex here and I am so excited to share what has been happening here in the Joshua building! On Tuesday for girls night we had a waffle bar (shout-out to Chef Amy) and we had the funniest lip-sync battle! I did a couple of songs with the homegirls Angie and Ali shout out to you guysssss y’all are the best. Then today we had a theme dinner as they said up there^ and it was so awesome. Aye shout out to Cob for helping! Anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful week and thanks for your time<3.

Written by Alex, Sarah, Dylan, and Pierce

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