Hey guys!
It’s been a crazy week of trying to readjust to California time. I have slept way too much and have studied way too little. It’s all good though I’m not stressed… Anyways it has been a smooth transition back into the building and I’m just excited that we’re back to a normal schedule and I’m not as sick as I was in the Dominican Republic! I’ve been enjoying my Dominican coffee and hanging out with the family here at Joshua. I have this hermeneutics test that I’m about to take this morning and I should probably study a tad bit more. God is beyond good and yeah, that’s all I got…. #pineapplegang
Room 101
Dear Worldwide Web,
How interesting it has been to readjust back to Joshua life. I completely forgot I was in the program when I was in the Dominican Republic! PJ Lewis was our speaker this week and we talked about all the Aha moments that he has found in his life. There was a lot of really good stuff. The big one for me was that if you go through Joshua and do everything right it all doesn’t matter if we don’t love God and form a relationship. Without doing everything out of love and for God then it’s all worthless. Super excited for this weekend to serve the Junior Highers that are coming up! We had Pause Night last night, it was great to see our pause families and catch up on what the Dominican Republic looked like for each of us. Really cool to see how God worked in different ways in the same place.
With Love,