What is up friends and family!
We have been hearing that some wild stuff is going on down the hill with Corona. Up here on our secluded little mountain all is well! But we are thinking of everyone and praying for you guys that are experiencing the panic that comes with this virus. Wow! What a week it has been. I want to actually stray away from talking about the obvious content and tell you about some super fun stuff that has been going on! We had a great weekend that included making an impressively complex fort, going on a spontaneous pizza run, and doing many face masks. It was a relatively empty building for the weekend but we made up for it with many activities. Also, side note; I would love my parents to know that I have regularly been going to the gym!!! Bethany at the gym? What a concept! It has been a crazy week of new habits.
Hello, hello, Kali here! So far this week, class has been good, speaker is off to a good start, but Israel trip is unfortunately canceled because of Corona. It’s a bummer, but we have the Lord to trust to see what he will do with this. This past weekend was a blast. Some went down the hill, but I stayed with those who did not leave the building and got to have quality time with my Joshua brothers and sisters, hung out with Andy and played with his Legos, and built a box fort in the library (which was awesome). It was definitely a memorable weekend.
Matt: Hey guys, everything is going well at the building so far this week. It’s pretty surreal for us as a class to be reading all the news about the Coronavirus going around. It feels like we’re reading stories straight out of Tom Clancy’s The Division. It was a bummer that the Israel trip is cancelled, but it was news that we were all expectantly waiting for. It’s encouraging to see the way that our class is sticking to contentment in God, and trusting that his plan is over everything. I’m glad to be up here with this group as a class of firsts. And I’m excited to see where God continues to take us this year, and beyond.
Love all you guys who read the blog and continue to offer prayers and support as we go through this year!
-Bethany Weddle, Kali Weston, Matt Mann, and Bron Scott