Hello Readers!
This week is the last one we will have in the building because the Corona Virus has cut our time short. So, we are making the most out of the time we have left. This includes designing the quilt that represents our class’s Joshua year. We have designed 30 unique quilt squares and are ironing together a handful of quilt squares that aren’t finished yet. As Bob has said: we are eating, drinking, and sleeping quilt squares until we have all of them finished. Not literally though, don’t misread this: it’s just an expression that explains how much time we are spending working on our quilt. Don’t worry, we are actually eating very well here in the building. Since this is our last week, we were allowed to request certain meals from our Chef. So, for lunch yesterday we had spicy chicken wings/legs and pastrami sandwiches, it was good. Guys night last night was a Super Smash Bros Tournament, the first time us students have played a video game in the past 7 months. Our matches had 6-8 players at a time, and if someone won 3 matches in a row then everyone else had to bow to them and say, “We are not worthy!” The people who accomplished this task where Nate, Connor, and Christian. Our staff members also participated: Bob, Tucker, Andy, and Jenna each played with us. All in all, we are having a lot of fun here in the building.
-Noah Martin
With our time at the building coming to an end, we have the aim of making every day important and memorable. This past weekend was filled with sleepovers, adventures, and laughs. On Saturday night, Christian, Caleb, Ethan, Connor, and I hiked down to a place of Hume history called the “Hermit’s Cave”. The “cave” is a man-made bunker built to look like an old-time hermit’s home. We went in and listened to a scary podcast together. Caleb got spooked so we took him back to the building, only to find out that Dylan, Pierce, and Sean were out to go scare us in the cave. Along with Sarah, Grace, and Addy who were going to meet us there. Christian, Ethan, Connor, Drew, and I went back out to find them and it felt like we were in a war simulation. When we finally caught up with them, we all went back to the cave and listened to some more podcasts together. When we got back to the building later that night, we enjoyed some cereal and then had a boy’s slumber party (yes, this is a thing). Overall a super fun and memorable weekend with the squad.
-Matt Wolff
Greeting! 🙂
This is a truly bittersweet time in the building. The start to our final week here has been a beautiful balance thankfulness and solemn reflection on our year together. Yesterday was a fantastic example. In our spiritual formation class, we all had the opportunity to hear what God did in all of our lives. It was a time of genuine celebration. It was so encouraging to hear the ways that God has been and still is molding us into the men and women He created us to be. For speaker that night we had our RD Tiffany fill in. She talked on listening to the voice of God and she finished her talk with a time of communion. She put a little spin on it though. We all came up to the front and tore off a piece from the loaf of bread. Then, we went around, affirmed an attribute of Christ we saw in our brothers and sisters, and gave them a piece of our bread. It was a wonderful time of recognizing that we are the body. We reminded each other of the miraculous transformation Christ did in our lives. We truly are a family. We have gotten to laugh together, mourn together, and grow together. God really moved in wonderful ways this year. I am so grateful for the work that God has done in all of us.
Psalm 34:1-3
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
-Cindy (Room 224)
Hey blog readers!!! Our last week in the building has been quite busy! We have been frantically working on our quilt squares, packing up, had our Philippians final, and had our Israel final, but in the midst of all of it, we had an amazing girls’ night tonight!! Tonight we played the iconic game of Just Dance! Honestly, I think some of the girls are better dancers than Shakira herself, but that’s just my humble opinion…
– Angie room 224 <3 🙂