

Tomorrow marks one month since move in day at Joshua! Being a Joshua student has been the most difficult and amazing few weeks ever.

My name is Cassidy Voss and I am a Joshua student this year! (:

As someone who questioned coming to Joshua, wishing I could hear some real input and experiences, I plan to be really honest about my time here! I hope future students or people considering Joshua benefit from this. 

Living in a building with a bunch of people of your same age is so fun but it’s been such a learning experience so far. I have laughed until tears and made so many lifelong friends and memories during my time here, while also learning how to keep up on homework, chores, and manage time with God.

The class load has been a lot but it’s all in the adjustment of learning how to manage our time and balance the different aspects and responsibilities of being adults. Despite the hardship at times, I am very thankful for this opportunity and am so grateful to wake up and live the life I am living here.

I feel like I am taking in so much information every day, I feel like a full sponge and I am trying to find ways to rest and recharge my brain. My favorite ways to rest are to go on walks down to main camp and pray, run around the lake, read and do homework alone in my loft, and spend some solo time somewhere in the woods. 

I love the staff here and their heart behind the program, I have felt so loved and supported by my Joshua family when I have hard days and I am so excited to travel and grow with these people for the next nine months.

I have learned so much and my faith has changed radically in the past month, I look forward to what’s to come.

Thank you all for following along, we appreciate your prayers! Something to pray for this week is that we are able to focus on God fully. It’s easy to remove a bunch of distractions like music, tv, movies, and media, but then fill our minds right back up with new distractions. I ask you to pray for our hearts as we navigate the next few weeks and learn how to fill that empty space with God.

We love you all!

– Cassidy Voss

This week was fun, I started on Sunday with hiking to Mist Falls and swimming in the Ice cold water from the snow runoff. Church was extremely enticing as well. After church I invited the pastor, John, to lunch on Tuesday and he was extremely knowledgeable about some life lessons. Monday I was extremely tired even though we had the ability to sleep in. My favorite class is Old Testament, I love learning about the old parts of the Bible. Wednesday I got to hang out with a bunch of people I haven’t really hung out with yet, like Cambria, Emmalynn, Seth, Sophia, and Ari. I like playing chess and a lot of my peers have played with me. Thursday was Awesome! My pause family had tons of food and we carved pumpkins! We also got to play soccer after the kids’ games were done. So far life at Joshua even though it is difficult, is quite amazing.

– Trevor Conner

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