Dear friends and family,
This is my second time writing for the blog and we’re now about three months in. I can’t believe how much has happened in just 90 days! This week was an exciting one as we were looking forward to the theme night we had all been waiting for, formal night!
Before I get into that I want to tell you how the rest of the week went! Sunday was definitely a day of rest, as we all had the weekend off from work. There was a storm last week that made many of us decide to stay in for the weekend, so it was great getting to bond with everyone. I was invited to a friend’s sibling’s house for games and dinner and then we went to church after.
We had our regular schedule for the rest of the week. In OT we learned about Kings. One bizarre story I remember from Kings is the story of Elisha and the boys who made fun of his bald head and got mauled by a she-bear right after. In Bib Interp we talked about service and how to interpret the book of Acts. Jen, the associate director, led our lesson on service by example and washed our feet. It was a sweet, sweet sentiment. In Discipleship, we had two of our students lead the class. They did a great job! I was able to share last week and I was a bit nervous, so I was so proud of them to step-up and do the same. In Missions, we learned about pre-evangelism techniques in the mission field. Rachel had a guest speaker who previously served in Papua New Guinea. Theology was awesome! We learned about biblical anthropology. We discussed what the Bible had to say on some hot topics.
As far as our theme dinner, many girls got ready early, and one even lent me her dress! Pictures were at 4:30. Many of us went outside in the snow just to take pictures! Dinner was at 5:30. The RDs set up the dining room so nice and dimmed the lights. We were waited on by the Joshua staff. After dinner, we played a game of trivia. My team was the Lil’ Squashers (whatever that means). We didn’t win, but we had fun. After that, we had a dance party! We danced to many dance party staples like the Cha-cha Slide and the Cupid Shuffle. A fun time was had by all.
That’s all I have for this week! As always, thank you for your prayers and support. We couldn’t do this program without you!
-Cambria Gerrits