Hello everyone,
I am so excited to announce that in less than 4 days, we will be reaching our 4 month mark of being at JWI. This week has been filled with so much joy, from hanging out with preview students, hearing Erik Thoennes speak, studying out of Philippians, and finishing up our first semester classes.
This week was the first time this year for young adults who are interested in JWI to come up to the building and see what this program is all about. We had 8 young adults come up to experience Joshua first hand. We got to do a bunch of things with them which consisted of going to classes together, studying Philippians, eating meals, playing broom hockey, and all sorts of other things. It was such a blessing to see high schoolers wanting to pursue a gap year and really focus on their faith, and I am excited for the next set of preview students to come and hang with us in the building.
This week’s speaker was Erik Thoennes, and he was really good. His main focus this week was on how we can grow as christians, and he gave us 9 steps on how to be able to grow. The 9 steps consisted of: getting in the word, praying daily, worshiping, giving (tides, money), serving others, proclaiming Christ, fellowship with one another, suffering, and last but not least, missions. Erik Thoennes was overall a really good speaker, and I hope that sometime in the future, I’ll be able to hear him speak again.
As we got back from Christmas break about a week ago, I ask that you keep us in our prayers as we start this next semester off and that we can just keep focusing on God and really have the drive to love Him as much as he loves us. As we are getting into the middle of winter here at Hume, a lot of JWI students are starting to get sick, so I ask that you also keep praying for us; that we can feel better, and keep striving to follow God even in the sick times. Thank you all for taking the time to read this post, and just remember, God loves you, and I love you too.
1 Corinthians 16:14
Current JWI Student,
Ben Lawler 🙂