This week had one of the most average schedules we have had in Joshua, which I think is saying a lot about the way our schedule is constantly changing (in the best way possible).
On Monday, we had a day of rest to recuperate from our trip to LA and to prepare for the week ahead. We had Josh and Annette with Jews for Jesus as our speakers this week, starting on Monday. I really enjoyed the topics they talked about and it was fun trying matzah bread and horseradish.
On Tuesday, we had a regular schedule. It was after lunch that I checked my email and read that I got accepted to Biola. Being that the thought of applying hadn’t crossed my mind until five days prior, I think that’s pretty awesome!
Wednesday again was a regular schedule. There’s no more broom hockey because the ice rink was melted. I spent all of my free time applying for scholarships. Oh yeah, and in class, Dallas talked to us about getting ready to make our class quilt! I don’t have any idea of what I want to put on my block. It’s bittersweet to know that we are all thinking about the end now!
Thursday was again, you guessed it, a normal schedule. We had Pause families in the evening. My family showed us past Hume videos and I was amazed at the work that went into all of the videos and openers and the astonishing quality that they came out to be.
The only other thing I would like to mention is how the extreme weather events have impacted our camp. On our way back from LA, we were on standby as to whether we would make it back to camp or have to go back down to Hume SoCal because we were informed that the floods caused massive and dangerous landslides. Thankfully, we made it up safely, but the sights on the road to Hume were devastating. Then there is also the fact that our camp roads are breaking down in every place and there are streams along the sides of almost every street. Even worse, some of the roads were starting to have sinkholes because the ground had eroded underneath due to the running water from the floods and snowmelt.
All that being said, please pray for our camp! We know that God is good and He won’t give us more than we can handle, but it sure seems like a lot. Pray for the people who own homes; they have their work cut out for them. And the people working on the roads too. Pray that we could resume camp as soon as possible so that we can continue sharing the gospel.
We love you and thank you. Thanks for reading and for your prayers and support.
-Cambria Gerrits

This week was actually pretty tough, it was rainy and there was not much sun. The social aspect of Joshua is quite challenging.
When you come to a program like Joshua, you would think you’re going to be surrounded by people who are just as devoted to learning about the Word as you, however, that’s just not the case. Some people will be far better at focusing, and learning leagues more than you, and that’s okay. Others will seem like they almost don’t care, and that’s okay too. In Proverbs 27:17(ESV): “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another”. I’ve seen whilst I’ve been here people grow, and people stay the same. I’ve seen people care and not care, but I’ve also learned in more ways than one that when Paul wrote in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. He was right. Just because the people around me differ in their personal relationship with God, does not mean that I have any right to be upset or indifferent about it. My privilege in this program is to serve those around me whether that be sharpening them, or them sharpening me.
I have not done this to the best of my abilities, and for anyone reading this blog and wondering if they should come to Joshua, yes, you should. But can you adhere to not only the Joshua rules; but to also what the bible calls us to do?
I have a love/dislike relationship with this place. There are so many pros, and they far outweigh the cons. Though days are still long, papers don’t write themselves, and a continental breakfast makes you tired. I’m happy to be here, I’m happy to have made such good friends as Bernard, Kate, Lindsey, and Ben.
I will always be thankful for my experiences here, that have been, and that are to come.
-JT Conner