
History at the Lake

It has been a historic couple of weeks at Hume Lake. The amount of snow that has fallen is unbelievable; the most in 40 years! The snow right outside the Joshua building is literally 7 feet tall! It was a wonder to watch all the snow accumulate outside, but not so wonderful to shovel it all. I worked in support services last weekend and all we did was shovel. It was actually pretty fun though because we got to climb onto people’s roofs and shovel the snow off of them. Only a few people fell off, which is good because the roofs were quite slippery. Apart from shoveling almost every day, it has been a rather enjoyable week. 

Our speaker wasn’t able to come up and we didn’t have a fun event on Thursday, but there was one thing that made this week incredible. Apparently, I’m not supposed to talk about it, but who reads the blog anyway.  Before class the other day, we were permitted to jump off the balcony into the mountain of snow that covered the lawn. If any parents are reading, no need to fret. It was 100% safe and tested by the staff beforehand. There was so much snow that the opportunity could not be squandered. The girls went first, one by one. It was funny watching as some of them sank right through the snow to where it completely concealed them. After all the girls lept to their demise, it was time for the men. We made a last-second decision to go shirtless, which made the experience much cooler. We all jumped almost immediately, not one brain cell was left. The amount of adrenaline rushing through my body made me numb to the frigidness of the snow. All I saw were shirtless men plummeting down into the snow and all I heard were screeches of agony. That may have been the best Joshua moment thus far. 

It has been such a grind the past couple of weeks, but moments like this help me forget about the stress and enjoy the present. Our community bonds from the silliest and craziest things, which is why I love it so much. Even though we have less than 3 months left, I want to continue to press on and take advantage of my time here.

It’s a real blessing to live at Hume, and I want to embrace this opportunity to the fullest because it is a gift from God.

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