Hey guys, I am so happy that I can tell you a little bit about my trip in Israel!
This trip is so cool to go to the places where our God actually stepped foot on! I will tell you 3 places in Israel that I have loved going to so far. The first place that has been my favorite that we went to has been the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea has been something that I have wanted to go to for awhile. Just going to the lowest place on earth and floating on that sea was a experience of a lifetime that I will probably never get back!
The second place that I have loved going to was Capernaum just because that was probably the closest spot that we went to where Jesus actually stood at! Standing somewhere where my savior stood and knowing that he stood there is something that is unreal, and it just brings the stories in the bible alive.
The third thing that has been so cool and impactful for me was the Sea of Galilee boat ride. The boast ride was just a sweet moment for me because in the first half of the boat ride, we got to listen to worship music and just reflect on the week that we have has so far and also sit with Jesus in prayer. Then we had Tan the man give us a teaching the last half, and it was about Jesus turning fisherman into fishers OF men. It was so cool to see him teach on the Sea of Galilee. We got to do a cultural dance, and it was so fun to be able to jump up with joy and dance on the sea.
There is so much stuff that has happened this week, and I am so blessed to be in Israel with my brothers and sisters in Christ! As we go onto the rest of the trip, I ask that you pray for us that we will cherish this moment that we have here cause it’s a very high chance that we will never get this experience again. I thank you all for thinking of the JWI class of 2023 and reading this blog post, and I hope you have a blessed day! Just remember, we love you, and God loves you too 🙂
Ben Lawler (Current student)