Hi guys!
It is Mary here! This weekend here at Joshua was amazing and full of fun memories already being made. A couple of us had work off this weekend so we got to go down the hill to Fresno to run some errands! Ethan, Jakob, Isaac, Lily, and I all got to go to Chik-fil-A in which we met Ethan’s parents there! After we all ate and hung out together, talking with Ethan’s mom who was a previous Joshua student, we wrapped up and headed to Guitar Center! Jakob was buying some guitar strings and trying out some guitars and he killed it on the guitars. Lily then also killed it on the piano because she is amazing at playing the piano. After Guitar Center, we went to Costco and Walmart. We then ended the day at Ethan’s house, eating pizza and talking about how Joshua is going. We all are in a place where we are excited to where this year takes us and what God has for us. We all then headed back to Hume safely, visiting some other friends and then got to the Joshua building safely!
The next day being Sunday, it was a chill day. The building was empty due to everyone else at work, so I did devos and played piano with Lily and Jakob! We all then went to visit our friends and get some food from Snacky! Later on in the evening, we got ready for church and headed to Cedar! Jason spoke and this new band played worship and at was awesome! Sunday then concluded with relaxing in the library and headed to bed!
The new week started off on a bit of the rougher side. I didn’t really feel like interacting with anyone, feeling lonely because I missed my family. It seems this being the third week, getting used to a routine, is a bit rough. I miss my family, I miss my life back home but I know I am here for a reason and this opportunity is once in a lifetime, which I am grateful. Some days and mornings, I feel less than but I know that is the point, for me to be less than, so the Lord can be more. Even though the morning was rough, the rest of the day was fulfilling. My classmate April came to give me some advice I needed to hear. She related to me in a lot that I was thinking and going through, both of us missing our families. It is those moments that mean a lot to me, when we come together in community, being there for one another. I thank the Lord for orchestrating that because that was all Him. We then had classes, speaker, we played tag and had a fulfilling conversation to end the day. The conversation entailed so many insightful things from my classmate Stevie who was speaking so well about so many things, as well as my other friends/classmates, Faye, Cassie, Sam (boy), Samantha, and Isaac. Stevie was reciting Scripture like it was at the forefront of his brain, in which it is. That is a trait I admire about him and hope to take with me. Ending the day with a fulfilling conversation like that. meant a lot.
Tuesday then was an eventful day, the morning being better but the evening being a bit hard. I truthfully was in my head the entire day, not really feeling good about myself. I had the opportunity to help lead worship, but I truly didn’t feel worthy. Nevertheless, I still worshipped and brought it all to the Lord. The speaker, Sam Meiser, really hit home for me, speaking life and making me think about things. I was emotional after speaker but it was girls night so it helped me think about positive things! We all went night kayaking just like the guys did the week before. I went with Brynley in a kayak and we had no idea what we were doing but it was so fun. The moon was so bright and the stars shined so brightly and the lake was so peaceful. We all then brought our boats together and had a conversation about some things that were heavy on my heart. We all prayed together and were freezing together but that moment was beautatul. A true example of us coming together in community to be there for one another, pray, and literally be on the lake together. All of us girls then kayaked back, Brynley and I getting water everywhere on us, but laughing the entire way. After we got out of the boats, we all got our stuff and took pictures together! Freezing and all, we all headed to the cars and drove back up
the hill. All the girls came to find our name plaques being upside down, courtesy of the boys. It was fun to see that, really showing that the boys feel comfortable enough to mess with us and play jokes on us. A shower and warm clothes then sounded amazing, so we all showered and hung out in the stairwell. We ate some snacks, presented our best barks to each other, (I can explain later), and just has a fun night of laughing. I got to call my mom before the night ended, and it healed parts of my heart that needed that.
As for today when I am writing this, Wednesday! Today has been a great day! We had breakfast, Bib. Interp., Study Hall, Old Testament, and speaker! In Bib. Interp. class, we had a small group discussion and then a big group discussion in class, talking about the article we read. It was our first whole group discussion, which was fun to do. Study hall was good, I got to write and read, which was fun. The rest of the day went by well, we all just hung out and had fulfilling conversations! Sam Meier was amazing too; he spoke about Leviathan and how there is a spiritual realm in which God is the head of, in which He is the head of everything.
Then Thursday was our FIRST theme dinner which was Western theme! It was so so fun! We line danced, joked around, took pictures, ate wonderful food from Jess and the KP crew, as well as ride a buffalo! Not actually, but actually, haha! It was amazing and full of great memories! I cannot wait for the next one!
Well that’s this week from my perspective! That’s a wrap for now! 🙂
 – Mary Getty (current student)

My name is Ernesto Mayagoitia. And I am a Joshua student of class of 2024!
I understand that many of the readers of this blog are curious parents. To all the parents out there who may not know too much about what Joshua Wilderness Institute is all about, I hope this blog serves as a way to get a small taste of what life is like for us.
I’d like to start by acknowledging the privilege it is to be a part of this year’s team at Joshua. If you asked me three months ago what I would do after summer, I either wouldn’t have been able to tell you, or I would have been wrong. The way I came to be at Joshua is a testament to God’s kindness and mercy. But that is a story for another time.
I would also like to acknowledge my parents. I have been blessed by a mother with a big and beautiful heart. She supported me so much in the preparation for Joshua, helping me in my journey of spreading my wings and flying high, even though it hurt her a bit to see her now-grown chick leave the nest. She is a wonderful mother. And I have been blessed by a hard-working father who supported me in my preparation financially, buying for the clothes I needed, the shoes I needed, and the car repairs I needed covered. I thank them for helping get here.
We are currently three weeks into Joshua. Some highlights are as follows: the meals prepared by our own cook, Jess, are delicious; the staff have a big heart for the students, and they want to see us succeed—they step out of their way to make time for us as we may need; the course work is enriching; and the community aspect is unlike anything experienced in life “down the hill,” as we say. I am blessed to be a part of the program.
The program is certainly challenging and stretching. Early morning shifts, a busy schedule, and a need to develop good study habits. Furthermore, since I arrived, I have been wrestling through some aspects of my faith. But I will trust that it will all work out for good. God is good.
-Ernesto Mayagoitia (Current Student)