This week was a more relaxed and fun week. On Monday we got to meet another catalyst couple. Their names are Dearle and Becky and they also brought their fun daughter Claire. Since we didn’t have a speaker this week that time was filled with optional prayer time with the catalyst couple. I really enjoyed that time to pray with some of my other classmates. I would recommend if this program is something you are interested in, asking the guest couple good questions about life and lean into their wisdom and what they have to say. But also at the same time make it upbeat and maybe ask what the most adventures thing is that they have done. So far there has been some fun stories shared.
I also have been really enjoying class this week. We are learning about the law in Old Testament class and also in Biblical Interpretation. We are learning about the spiritual discipline of meditating on the word daily. I think it is really cool how the classes are all connected and kind of talk about the same thing, yet they are different classes.
Also, another fun thing that has happened this week is the theme dinner! It was a lot of fun seeing everyone dress up. The dining hall was so nicely decorated by Madison and the drumsticks Jess cooked were so good. After that, there was a fun game planned. I am looking forward to the next one.
-Samantha Beale (current student)

Hey y’all Emalee Here!!
This week we’ve finally been getting into the swing of things here in the building. the weather has been chilly but time in the sunshine is so nice, hammocking in the sunshine is definitely a favorite activity for some students.
This Monday unfortunately we had our first 6 AM chore, 6 AMs happen when a chore is missed or someone is late to Kitchen Patrol, typically Mondays are our sabbath day, so breakfast is pushed back an hour, but this Monday we got to get up and do chores at 6 AM and it was honestly pretty fun getting to all do our chores together and watch the sunrise. Typically after breakfast In the mornings we have solo time with the Lord which has been such a sweet place for me to be able to just talk with God and pray with Him and dive into His word and learn about His character this week we’ve had a ton of free time activities. We’re taking a good amount of classes but my personal favorite is Theology. We’ve been learning simple truths like God doesn’t lie, and the Bible is God’s word, therefore, the bible doesn’t lie. Also, theology forms everything we do at some level. This Tuesday we got to play soccer and ultimate frisbee which was just so fun and enjoyable for all of us to participate in despite sore legs the following days.
Then on Thursday (my favorite day of the week) we had our second theme dinner of the year. ( Theme dinners are one Thursday every month where we have a different theme, and we dress up according to that theme; for example, the first one was country) this month’s theme dinner was Pirate Night!! It was so fun to get to participate in with my Joshua brother and sisters. My girls and I got to spend time getting ready, doing fun crazy makeup, putting beads in each other’s hair, and then when the time came, we all gathered together and had a swashbuckling feast on the high seas with games and sword fights included. Theme dinners have definitely been a highlight of Joshua so far for me.
During the week, we have also been learning about how God is good all the time regardless of how we perceive Him, through the book we’ve been reading in our book groups, “The Good And Beautiful God”. I’m so thrilled to see what other adventures we get to endeavor on this upcoming week while we serve at Hume Socal and take our first trip together! And excited to see other memories we continue to make over these next 8 months.
Thank you to everyone for all your prayers for the JWI class of 2024!!! I hope y’all have an amazing week. 🙂 Stay Swag!!!
-Emalee Reynoso (current student)