Hey y’all, its Kylie Malia!
Sadly, this week me and my roommate, Ruth, traded off being sick. We came out from a long weekend of working down at main camp, so the start of this week was rough for her, but then I caught it too. As someone who is an extrovert, I never really liked the thought of being sick and missing out. Whether that’s in classes or in conversations. This time around, I have come to find how beneficial it is to take a sick day and learn to be okay with it. During my time in my room, I got to rest my body, which has been hard here since our daily schedule goes by so fast. I got to rest my mind and catch up on some homework, some reading, and get some well needed hours of sleep. Although this isn’t college, I am still living with a lot of other people and I do want to get to know them and hang out in all the common areas, but I think my midweek alone in my room reinstated some responsibility and accountability. Being forced to stay in my room made me remember that sometimes I can’t do all my homework, study Philippians, hang out with everyone, and give myself time to rest every day. Finding that balance is hard, but I advise everyone to try to find it as soon as they can.
Philippians 2 testing was this week, and I did not give myself enough spaced-out time to skillfully memorize it. Which honestly is crazy because if you were to ask younger me I would have doubted that I could memorize 60 verses. Find your balance, sketch out your days! Other than that, me and my brothers and sisters utilized the fact that its winter and we finally were able to get out on the ice rink for ice skating and then broom hockey!! I’m so looking forward to the rink these next months.
Toodles my good fellows!
-Kylie Malia (Current Student)

We have just finished the second-to-last week of our semester here at Joshua! Unfortunately, this week we did not have a speaker to learn from. However, we were given many activities and free time this week to relax and study for writing Philippians! This week, I also had the opportunity to prepare and head up a Joshua Christmas Worship Night! It was so fun to set aside a night to come together and worship the Lord through scripture and Christmas songs! Each one of the participants in the service did so well, and I am so proud of everyone! This week also was filled with many activities, such as broom hockey (twice!), stargazing (twice!), and having fun being in fellowship with fellow students during nights. I will say that everyone must try the epic sport of Broom Hockey!!! Twenty-five of us are planning on ordering custom-made Joshua hockey jerseys! I do just have to brag that my broom hockey team beat the 10–year veteran, Dallas Dewitt, 6-2. Broom hockey is the best sport that Hume has to offer. If you could come to winter camp and play, you NEED to go! We ended our week by learning the “Activities Department” for the upcoming winter camps! I can’t wait to serve future campers by providing fun games and experiences! Overall, it was a great week! Bye for now!
-Ethan Carpenter (Current Student)