Yo dudes!
I’m back at it again, bringing some updates from Joshua this week. Honestly, this week has been pretty normal; classes have been great, dinners have been good, and God is always good.
We have been super blessed to have Jon Noyes as our speaker for this week. He’s a big apologetics guy, and the thing that I love the most about him is that he’s real, bold, and he has the same joking style as me. He’s also been making me think about how broken people are and how they search for answers in empty places. People are going to find nothing in tarot cards, crystals, Allah, and Buddha, but they will find truth, life, and a way if they come to Christ.
This week we have broom hockey, and I’m super stoked for it cause I’m like the best player ever, no one can score on me. Coming up, we have a Christmas banquet, and we gotta dress all fancy and stuff. Fancy aint really my thing but it’s cool I guess. Last but not least, the 21st is our last day before we leave for Christmas break, and honestly, I’m torn between the two. I love my family and friends back home, but I really love my family here at Joshua, and honestly I’m going to miss them a lot. I might even cry a little (don’t tell them I said that).
My hope and prayer for my brothers and sisters, is during the break, they would shake off every weight and sin that clings so closely and that they would run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2) and that they would know that nothing can separate them from the love of God (Romans 8:38).
Alright dudes I’m outta here I gotta go study or procrastinate for a couple of hours (probably the second one). May God’s love and grace be with you all 🙂 🤘
-Stevie Arevalo (Current Student)

This week has honestly not all been roses.
This week has been filled with a bit of stress because of students trying to complete Philippians testing before Theme Dinner so that they can participate in the dinner.
The week also has some sadness because we are finishing up Old Testament class which means saying goodbye to our beloved Professor Charlie Trimm. But it hasn’t all been bad. Our speaker this week Jon Noyes has brought some haymaker messages which I have been looking forward to. Jon specializes in apologetics, and defending the Christian faith is something I am very passionate about, so his messages have been awesome so far. Jon’s also just an awesome guy to talk to and be around, even though he’s a Sox fan and I’m a Yankee fan but nobody is perfect.
Along with highlights of the week, tonight we have broom hockey and that is something that personally, I love because it’s competitive, fun, and physical; and nothing is better than a contact sport.
On Thursday we have our last Theme Dinner before Christmas break which I’m looking forward to, because it will be a good time with my Joshua family before the holidays. And as we leave we have our minds toward the Dominican Republic and praying that God will bless the trip and that we will be able to make an impact.
All in all yeah from the outside the week looks dark but as Tolkien says, “But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come and when the sun shines it’ll shine out the clearer.”. This quote was in the last lecture by Professor Trimm.
Remember don’t forget.
-Josh Halloran (Current Student)