Hello everyone!
We, the Joshua class of 2024, have just completed our first day of our study trip in Turkey! I have to admit, it was a lot more information and history than I was prepared for, but the locations we visited today were so beautiful and awesome! So much of Paul’s journey began right here in the city of Antalya, where he sailed into the ancient boat port with Barnabas and John Mark. Our trip is also being led by Craig Hill, a professor at Biola University. He is extremely knowledgeable of all the historical sites we visited today, from Antalya’s ancient boat port to the Roman road that, over 2000 years later, still remains intact for us to walk on and get a taste of just how grueling and sometimes painful Paul’s journey’s by foot would have been.
An important question our director Dallas DeWitt asked us was, “Are you going to be like John Mark?” John Mark, when we read Acts, decides to split from Paul and Barnabas when sharing the gospel becomes too hard. Dallas challenged us to ask ourselves: will we be like Paul and Barnabas who continues to stay strong through the trials, or will we be like John Mark who ditches the Christian way when it proves to be hard at times? As we continue on this study trip, I hope that the Gospel becomes more alive and real than ever, and I pray that all of my Joshua siblings will gain a new appreciation for the labor of Paul, bringing the gospel everywhere he went no matter how difficult the task was.
-Jakob Grimes (Current Student)

Merhaba!! We are in Turkey!!!!
Today, we got to walk around Antalya’s port and see where Paul Barnabas and John came into Antalya and started sharing the gospel. Then we got to have an amazing classic Turkish lunch, and I had a chicken Guyro. After we headed over to an Ancient Roman Road that Paul traveled on, there was a shepherd with his goats, and we got to take a little walk beside them. It was so cool getting to see the history in the bible come to life. To be exactly where Paul had been, to walk where he did. Anywho, talk to you later!
– Emalee Reynoso (Current Student)

Yesterday we stayed at this super nice hotel. I think we all enjoyed breakfast and dinner there! At the beginning of the day we went to the harbor in Antalya and we sat where Paul and Barnabas would have entered and read through Acts 13. It was super cool to be there and experience the Bible. After that we walked and explored the town. It was really fun! One of the best parts of yesterday was our walk on a roman road. It was super rocky and there were goats following us. And something funny that happened to us was that every time we went to sit and talk while on the walk, it started raining and there was thunder. After the walk we got to go back to the hotel and had so much fun!!! We got to swim in the Mediterranean Sea and the pool and got to go to the spa. After we ate dinner, which was super delicious, we got to try all the desserts. By 8:00, we were all tired. That was our day!!”
-Alex Martinez (Current Student)