Hey guys, Mary here again!
Day 5 of Turkey was a blast. We started out our day with a drive of an hour and a half to the city of Aphrodisias, dedicated to Aphrodite. The bus ride was full of conversations and fun like always, and it filled my cup. As we arrived at the site, we were greeted with puppies and some cats! One of my favorite things about these places, obviously, besides the amazing history, are the animals! Turkey is full of animals, and the local community takes care of them. It’s so cool to see and gives joy to the day.
Walking into the city, we were greeted by a theatre, swimming pool, a courtyard, and many other things. With that, we also walked into the temple of Aphrodite, which was turned into a house church. The history of the gospel being spread was right in front of me, and it was cool to see.
We then went to a stadium, where most likely chariot races, and gladiator games were held. We heard a word from Tanner about how we might run the race after Joshua. We then proceeded to literally run the arena, which felt freeing. With that we also had alone time, reflecting on what the year was and how we will continue running the race.It was such a blessing to get some alone time with the business of all we’re doing.
We then left the museum and headed to our next hotel. We stopped for gas at a gas station, and I got some Turkish snacks! Also, guys, Turkish coffee… HIGHLY recommend. Anyway, we then arrived at the hotel and explored a bit! Natalie and I explored some stairs and ended up getting a bit stuck, but it was such a cool experience despite a bit of fear. A staff member let us in, so we were fine, but the adventure was awesome to have, especially with a Joshua sibling. We then ended the night with dinner and good conversations, going to sleep after another eventful day in Turkey!
God is forever good and kind. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.“ Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV
-Mary Getty (Current Student)

Today, while in Turkey, we got to go to Aphrodisiacs which is an ancient city dedicated to Aphrodite. It was used in the mid/later 1900’s by a village of people, named Old Geyre, living their regular life. There was a picture a photographer took of the people of Geyre were using some of the tombs to crush grapes to make juice. More recently in the late 1900’s early 2000’s the city was Excavated and the villagers were moved over a mile or so, its such an insane experience to get to walk around and see an Ancient City and we got to see the most well preserved stadium and our Joshua class took a lil Jog around the stadium which was so cool because horse races could’ve taken place or olympics of some sort, and we got to run it.
This trip has been such a blessing and absolutely insane. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us!! Güle güle.
-Emalee Reynoso (: