
A Fun, But Stressful Week

What a fun but extremely stressful week.

Hume Socal last week, where we worked for God’s glory, and then Philippians testing this week. I’m just putting it out there for everyone, wouldn’t suggest waiting till the last minute to study for Philippians, you’ll be so stressed out. But of it all, we were able to have fun memorizing scripture. It’s crazy what the Lord can do in you through memorizing His word.

Tonight was theme dinner, and it was so much fun. I’m already looking forward to the next theme dinner because the JWI staff ALWAYS goes all out for us. There were spider webs, lit candles, and even spooky music on display. It’s always a highlight of my week to dress up, and have fun with my friends. I’m very indecisive when it comes to picking a costume. At first I was going to be a bald eagle, then Derek, and I ended up being a “bad skier” with my friend Reese. It was funny because everyone thought we were zombie skiers.

I’ve really gotten to know the JWI staff this week, which has been so fun. I get to sit in their office all the time and have the most irrelevant conversations. I’m so excited about what the Lord has in store for my peers and I for the rest of our time here.

-Mykal (Current Student)

Week 8 recap

Weighted teddy bears (our babies)
Monopoly Deal (will destroy friendships)
And Philippians testing (my desire was to depart and be with Christ)

Week 8 here in the Joshua building has been a bit of a crazy week for us all. For starters, it’s our first week back in the building after SoCal. After a week of getting to be a blessing and serve at Hume SoCal, it was a bit weird to be back in the building for some of us. On top of it being our first week back from SoCal it’s was also Philippians 1 testing week; meaning no speaker. Though, with all this free time in the evening it has been nice. A lot of us have had more time for homework, fellowship, relaxing, and time for the game that seems to be the building favorite at the moment;Monopoly deal. Who knew five cards could destroy so many friendships. At least to comfort us in our defeat ( or victory) we have our weighted babies. I’m excited and look forward to the next few months at Joshua.

-Sammie Bramasco (Current Student)

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