
First Week Back!

Hey y’all!

This week was full of fun memories. We just got back from Thanksgiving break, and I was so excited to see my Joshua family. I cannot describe the joy I felt going back into the Joshua building. It was like move-in day all over again, but this time I knew everyone’s name. hugs and laughter filled the room, and it was just the best memory. 
On Tuesday for girls night, we went ice skating. I grew up skating, and it was so fun to just skate to music with my girls. I love how intentional Becca is with planning the girl’s nights, and how it throws our community closer together.
Overall, this week was very chill. I am so glad to be back at Hume with my people.
-Malea Spear (Current Student)

It’s the first week of December and it’s already been crazy at Joshua. We just got back from break which was incredibly rejuvenating for my spirit and was a great time of rest. When we got back to Joshua, it was amazing to see everyone again and hear some of the new motivations that people have. During this week it has been one of the best weeks that I’ve had in a while with more deer coming around, great conversations with my brothers and sisters, and awesome worship. The speaker this week was Jerry Root and was one of the best speakers we have had yet and has brought a new fire for evangelism that has never been there. 


These past few months have been some of the hardest months that I have ever been through. Between all the idols that God has been revealing and systematically removing from my life, the mental strain of being away from all my loved ones at home and church, and the firehose worth of information that has been taught to us, Joshua has been the hardest thing by far that I’ve ever done. And yet it has also been some of the greatest months I’ve had because I now have 42 awesome siblings, so many new insights into the Old Testament, and the reduced idols that I now have. The trips down to Fresno have been a ton of fun whether it’s a quick trip to Butterfish or the zoo with some sisters. Also, the random fun things we do in the building like Nerf wars or mattress slides, have helped me to not go insane up here. What’s crazy is that I still have 5 more months of this program, which blows my mind because if this is what He has done in 3 months, what more is He going to do in the next 5?

-Daniel (Current Student)

Hey, well, this is my second time writing a blog, so I’m basically a pro at this now. 

Life at Joshua has been so good. We just came back from Thanksgiving break, and while it was sad to leave behind family and friends, the reunion here at the building was so sweet. I thank God daily that He has cultivated such a loving environment here at JWI. That’s not to say that there aren’t problems or conflicts, but by God’s grace we have been able to communicate and keep the peace. 

There are so many students here that have been encouraging for me and my walk. The girls here do a great job of demonstrating maturity and sincerity. All the guys have helped me navigate my personal struggles and poured into me so much wisdom and love. It’s been a huge blessing! Not only that but the staff here are so kind and patient. I’ve already noticed a drastic change in my behavior and thought, and I am excited to see what else the Lord is going to teach us. 

This week we’ve had Jerry Root as our guest speaker, which has been amazing. The man is incredibly wise, and so humble. Every time he’s spoken here I’ve been memorized by what He has to say. He talked about C.S. Lewis, apologetics, denominations, salvation, and mere Christianity. I’m constantly reminded by how little I know when He speaks to us about authors and books that I’ve never heard of. 

Overall, I’m so grateful that YHWH has brought me here, and I’m learning so much about God, myself, and what it looks like to be a Christian. 

For those of you who are reading this God bless you! I pray that He reveals Himself to you and that you may become more and more aware of His presence.

-Asher (Current Student)

This week was great! 

It was so sweet to be back in the building and in the routine of Joshua. I think Thursday was the highlight of my week. A few of us drove to Fresno to shop for more Christmas decor. On our drive up to the building, Aspen and I were able to have a sweet conversation with Becca and Cass. When we got back to the building, it was time for our pause Christmas! We built gingerbread houses and put on skits. I loved having the building filled with people and laughter!
-Rylie (Current Student)

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