
A Recap of the Last Few Days

These are some of my journal entries from my last few days in Jarabacoa/ Los Higos

Day 1 in the D.R.

We made it to the SI base! All day yesterday / today I WAS trying new things! For starters I got to fly for the very first time; and internationally! Oh! and I got to go to Miami (the airport anyways…still really cool though). I also got to try the best empanadas I think I’ve ever had… or maybe it was because it was three in the morning California time? Idk but it was delicious! I also got to sleep in an airport (hated that), GOT MY VERY FIRST PASSPORT STAMP, and when I got to Jarabacoa I got to ride this cool little bus that brought me all the way to the SI base! I have experienced so much in the last two days! I am very tired but the adventure of just getting to Jarabacoa was awesome! I can’t wait to see what the next two weeks holds for me!

P.s The whole airport experience felt like one long weird fever dream

Day 2 in the D.R.

Today we got to sleep in, I’m so grateful. Last night I wrote down my thoughts, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, it was lights out (lol). Anyways, day two is fantastic! I got to meet my site leaders, Mirabel and Kelly; I got to try starfruit, a traditional Dominican dish; La Bandera ( “the flag” ; rice, chicken, and salad/ w tomatoes), and I got to learn some new dances that the people here in the D.R dance! It was a good day. oh, and the best part? I’m making new friends! Faith and Maddie, both interns working at SI.  They are both the sweetest people ever, they have such a love for the Lord, I loved hearing their stories about how the Lord brought them both unexpectedly to SI. Has been great, tomorrow can only get better!

Day 3 in the D.R.

OH MY GOSH! I got to meet the kids today! The kids are so smart and funny. The kids are learning all about shapes and colors, how to count, vowels, and small vs big. I was worried that my Spanish was not going to get me by, but I did fantastic! There were some words or phrases that went over my head, but for the most part, I understood. The kids are wonderful to work with, I am enjoying my site a lot! I could see myself interning here for at least a year, I’m going to talk to Eric (Ministry Director) about what that could look like. I like the D.R so far, tomorrow will be fun!

Day 4 in the D.R.

Today was a very fun day! during our time of devotion I sat on the basketball court watching the sunrise. It was so beautiful. I think it was a good way to start my day. The kids today were so full of energy! Even though it was kind of hectic it was still really fun, we got to teach the kids about colors, but in English. it was a bit challenging for them at first  to say their colors in Ebut eventually they got it. Some of the students got it on the first try, I was very impressed! After school today we got to go to a ladies house for coffee. Her name was Mary, I enjoyed hearing her story about how she came to Christ and about how she serves her community. There are no pharmacies in los Higos, so Mary goes out of her way to get medicine for the children who are sick in her town. Mary also takes care of her brother who is not doing too well. At the end of our time that we spent with Mary I got to pray for her. We were going to have one of our leaders translate my prayer to Spanish (because I didn’t have the confidence to pray in Spanish) but Mary said something that just touched my heart,  “doesn’t matter if you pray in English or Spanish I don’t need to understand because the Lord still understands”.  I started to tear up, I think my interaction with Mary will be something that sticks with me for the rest of my life. She’s not only willingly invited strangers and to come home and made them cups of coffee, but she told us her testimony and showed her faithfulness and obedience that she has for the Lord. Even at 78! Today I also had the privilege to have dinner at one of the student’s house for community night. We had La Bandera for dinner. It was so good! The family was so kind and was so excited to host us! It was an honor to be welcomed into their home. I love the hospitality in the D.R, it reminds me of my family/ culture (Mexican). The last few days have been such a blessing, truly. The D.R already has my heart, and there is still so much to learn! I look forward to that!

-Samantha B. (Current Student)

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