Today is Monday, January 27. It truly has been a life-changing day, but I really could say that about every day at SI. The special thing about today for all the people on the medical team is that today we got to see a family that changed my perspective on family and the things that I take for granted in my life. It was so amazing how I realized that these families truly do live life together and come together to help each other out in ways that I have never seen families in America do. Another life changing thing that truly made me realize the love of God is how every family we visit here is so hospitable and shows us love even though they have never met us and can’t understand us. The language barrier seems to not even have an impact of the way they love one another. I also have experienced true happiness and contentment from the families here, many that don’t have much to be happy for in the eyes of an American. However they are always welcoming us with a smile on their faces and always cracking jokes and laughing (even though I don’t understand most of them).
Apart from seeing daily life in Jarabacoa, I got to have really significant conversations and moments with my brothers and sisters at JWI. The conversation I had yesterday with a few of my siblings made me realize that sometimes we just have to take a step of faith in our calling and trust that God will guide and provide in it all.
Jarabacoa has been an experience I will never forget, I am so grateful and excited for the days to come.
-Reese (Current Student)