
DR Day 9!

Hey guys!

I have been having so much fun at the volleyball site this last week. It’s crazy to think that we only have a few days left here. In the mornings we go to the nearby school to help out with their P.E. classes. We all love playing with the kids, even though most of the 12-year-olds are better at volleyball than we are. I have been learning more from them than I ever expected; sports, Spanish speaking skills, and their culture.

The Dominican people are so warm and friendly! There were so many kids who came up to us for a hug before they even knew our names. They are encouraging toward their teammates and forgiving toward their friends. I hope to be more like that as I live my life back home. At the school we also give devotions. I did mine on 1 Corinthians 1:27

In the afternoons we help with varsity, J.V, and mini volleyball practices. I learned how to overhand serve with them! We also have time to go into town to get coffee sometimes. Today I helped with the minis volley practice, about 7-11 year olds. A few of us played a game I call “como se dice” where the Americans point at random objects in an attempt to learn more Spanish. We also tested them on their English knowledge, as many of them know a few phrases. It was our last practice with them before we leave on Saturday. It was a sad goodbye, but I am so glad I met all of those sweet girls.

It has been so sweet so far and I am excited for the next few days, but I am also ready to go back home. My prayer request is for health!! There are a lot of us who have not been entirely healthy or able to go to their sites daily with everyone else.

See you soon!

-Hailey Yoder (Current Student)



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