This past couple of days have been quite interesting. Living on no sleep, fueled by Red Bull and Jesus. But I’ve already seen God working throughout my time here in the Dominican Republic. Last night, we arrived at the base, and it was a really chill night just getting to know the area. Today, we woke up, had orientation, had lunch with our site leaders, then went to our site. I have Brooke, Aspen, and Reese. Today we learned how to take blood pressure, check for a pulse, and how to use a glucometer. Then after dinner, we learned how to do the Bachata and the merengue. It was awkward, interesting, and so fun all in one. We were paired up and had a competition for both dances. And there are winners for each dance. Then, Jen had all the girls plus a few of the guys and we learned a couple line dances. I love line dancing. I’m already having such a fun and life-changing time here in the Dominican Republic. I cannot wait to see what the Lord shows me throughout my time here. I’m very excited to get to serve along with my Joshua sibiling as long as the student’s international staff.
-Mykal (Current Student)

Adapting to the Dominican Republic with my Joshua Siblings
The second day of the Dominican trip has been full of orientation to Jarabacoa and readiness for what God is going to do in these next 2 weeks. Today was pretty chill but also full of honest, intentional conversations.
Breakfast was so good. We had pancakes and they tasted so fresh and homemade. I also am not a pineapple fan but I really like the pineapple here. So fresh, so sweet. As a foodie, it is not bad.
After breakfast, Ava, Sammie and I did a morning Bible reading and went through Luke 9. We were able to discuss about it and give our responses on what stood out as we were going over the acts of Jesus. Right after we had orientation for our sites at SI. Once it was finished we had some free time. I had a very intentional conversation and prayer with Asher. If there is anyone I can have a deep talk with is him.
After orientation, we had a lunch with our site leaders. My site leaders were so nice and were so engaging. They took Samm, Bre, and I to Mata Gorda, a preschool site for three and four year olds. I really liked the site; full of life and a beautiful view of the mountains. Side note, there was an outbreak of piojos, or lice with the preschoolers at my site and won’t be able to come back till Friday. I am looking forward to learning with these preschoolers and serving God as this trip continues.
After being at the ministry site, I got to play a Christian version of Apples to Apples. It is so fun and a great game to play in community. After the game we had dinner, I got to have a one on one with one of my Joshua brothers. Amazing. Just having an open conversation and learning.
After dinner, we had a Dominican Republic culture activity. We got to learn Dominican slang and also got to do some dances that I was able to do with my Joshua sister Madison. After the activity, I was able to dance with some people, while Church Clap was playing. Such a great way of ending the night.
-Sebastian (Current Student)