
First Week Back!

Just wrapped up Week 1 of our second semester at Joshua! This week, we started our new Biola classes New Testament and Foundations of Christian Thought. I am excited to see all the things these courses have for us to learn. We also had Dave Hansen, CEO of Students International and leader of our Dominican Republic trip, as our speaker this week. He gave us insight on what to expect from our upcoming mission and practical advice for spiritual warfare in the life of a Christian.
On Wednesday, we started practicing for our Broom Hockey season and besides all the bruises, everyone had fun. And to wrap up the week, we had our Hawaiian theme dinner. It was fun to see everyone dressed up in Hawaiian shirts and leis. 
Something God has been showing me is how He is so much bigger than any challenge I could face. A verse I’ve been meditating on is:
“Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. “
Psalm 61:1–2

This is a helpful reminder when I get overwhelmed that God hears my prayers. He continues to reveal how small and temporary my troubles are. There is comfort in Him being our strong tower. 

That’s about it! T-10 days until we leave for the DR!!
With LOVE,
Sam (Stink) Miller  (Current Student)

First full week back in the building! It has been so good to be back with my Joshua fam, even if I will miss home. It is crazy that the program is already halfway over. I am looking forward to all of the trips and new classes to come. I pray God works in all of our hearts, creating greater humility and joy.

– Madison Brunell (Current Student)

This week was a lot of fun! The Holy Spirit was moving in all our hearts through prayer and musical worship. I saw this class so united under the Spirit. I am so thankful for the blessing of being at Joshua. We had a Hawaiian theme dinner. Such a blast!

-Zach (Current Student)

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