Today was our last full day in the Dominican Republic. We spent it with our site leader, Carolina, and ended the day with a banquet and some dancing! Our final night was bittersweet as we said goodbye to the relationships we had built here.
My time in the Dominican Republic has been challenging, revealing, and beautiful. It was such a privilege to serve at the tutoring site in El Callejón. Despite the hardships of some not being able to go to school and others experiencing loss in their families, the students were filled with so much joy. Hearing the testimonies of the site leaders was also a great reminder of God’s sovereignty over all. I’m so beyond grateful for this opportunity and seeing the work God is doing in the Dominican Republic!! As my new friend Maddy says,
“Si Dios quiere!!”
Alrighty! Talk to y’all later,
-Rylie (Current Student)