
Sickness Upon Sickness

Hey y’all,

I’ve been sick this and last week and I’m just starting to get better. Yesterday Jeremy, Hayden and I went down the hill so Hayden and I could get urgent care. We thought it’d be a quick trip in and out of the doctors but it ended up being a ten hour trip, as Hayden is still down the mountain in the hospital. He has pneumonia but he is in good spirits. Thankfully I got some antibiotics which are helping. I got to participate in the theme dinner tonight and we are about to have some sort of activity soon! God bless  

-Ty Benevides (Current Student)

Hi all!

This week has been a week! After coming off of the DR and many work weekends, this was a week of much needed rest. The morale was low, and everyone was either feeling sick or running on fumes. After Philipians 3 testing, we were able to take some time to rest with the LORD. We had a morning at a coffee shop, and a worship morning which was wonderful. The staff is so great to accommodate the group’s moral levels and work with us to refuel. This weekend we have more work, and then we are off to LA in about a week. Excited for the things to come!

-Malea (Current Student)

Hey everyone!

It’s been more than 2 months since my last blog and a lot of things have happened since then. First off, the Dominican Republic was one of the best experiences of my life. It was beautiful to see the work of God in another culture. It really showed me how powerful that the word of God is and I thank him for that everyday. The past week however, has been a one of hardship. People are getting sick physically, we are all tired from Philippians testing and our three day work weekend, and overall morale has been pretty low. But, God is still moving even in the hardship and even though I am struggling, there is no place I would rather be than right here. 

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
-Noah Brannon (Current Student)

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