Hi everyone!
Here are some of my highlights from the past week…sharing my faith with nonbelievers, visiting the Getty art museum and trying new foods. If you haven’t already guessed, our Joshua class went to LA to evangelize! This was my first time evangelizing and I was extremely nervous stepping into it. However, once I took the first step of starting a conversation with an individual on the street or in the mall or on a campus, I was surprised to find it life-giving even if it did not get to the spiritual level. I found out that the majority of people in our generation love to have intentional conversation and love to talk about themselves. These two aspects really helped in beginning a conversation. Leading up to this trip, all our classes and speakers have been crafted towards asking good questions and finding the simplicity of sharing the Gospel, so I felt prepared while walking the streets of LA. God totally met me in giving me His hands while passing out wipes to the needy at the Dream Center, in giving me His eyes to intentionally seek people who needed to be talked to on the UCLA campus, and in giving me His feet to travel the streets of LA with confidence and strength. It is amazing to see what God can do when His people are faithful to His calling in Matthew 28 which is to make disciples of all nations. I hope this is an encouragement to intentionally and eagerly share the love of Jesus and the hope of the Gospel with the community that God has placed you in.
God Bless!
-Rachel (Current Student)

This whole week was soo much fun and full of new and interesting experiences.
Thanks for reading,
– Liz (Current Student)

What’s up everybody! This past week has been absolutely amazing. we just did our LA trip and
it was such a cool experience and we got to do so many different things and visit so many
different places. My group went to a Mormon temple and we went to the l Ron Hubbard exhibit
on our worldview walk day. it was such an interesting experience that I’m glad I was able to be
a part of. On Tuesday we worked at the food bank and sorted so many carrots, like 16,000
pounds of carrots. in the afternoon we did evangelism at the grand central market and that was
It was very difficult for me. Wednesday we went to UCLA and did surveys for the upside down cafe
which is also connected to Jews for Jesus which is a really cool ministry that is run by some
absolutely amazing people, shout out the Sofaers. Friday we went to a Hindu temple and it
was good to learn about different worldviews but it was a lot honestly, Saturday we got to help
out with a disaster relief ministry called Dream Center and that was my favorite part of this trip
and it was such a blessing to be able to give back to people especially those who are in such
need and lost homes during the fires. Saturday night we had a van day fun day and my van went
to Huntington beach, it was my first time there and it was freaking beautiful. Then today we
came home. I loved this trip so much but I’m glad to be back in the building.
– Dakota Braun (Current Student)

Greetings from JWI our recent trip was LA and what an experience it was! On our first day we got to practice evangelism which honestly was a little nerve racking when I expected negative responses from people but in reality they were the nicest and most open minded people I have ever met, even when a conversation was turned down. Apart from the people the cuisine in the city was very delicious and diverse with LA being a big melting pot of cultures and religions. I feel blessed to have been able to explore the city with a wonderful group of classmates and I hope to return soon.
-Elian Pelayo (Current Student)